Let the magic reign. In these crazy times, listen to your intuition and be open and flexible. You have the power now 2021 has been a surprise if not challenging year for many, and it got me thinking about what might be the theme personally for this year as it unfolds. I pulled the Universe card- #21 in the Major Arcana of the Thoth deck. For me, this card represents the ultimate transformation and evolution of your spirit and consciousness. This is the year of manifesting your dreams. Dream big, but be patient as you shed outmoded attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. You are falling into alignment to better fulfill your purpose here on earth. This rebirth will certainly be more painful if you resist the changes that need to be made in your life, so surrender to your natural state and who you are already but don’t recognize yet. Overcome your resistance, and expect magic and miracles this year with commitment and self- discipline. Begin with will and intent, then make a master plan and go for it.